Core java

  • Introduction 

    Java is one of the world's most popular and widely used programming language.
    It was developed by James Gosling in Sun Micro systems in 1990's.
    The first version is released in January  1996.
    Java program is also using the same syntax of C & C++.
    Whatever the difficult concept are their in C & C++ that concepts are eliminated in java.
    Java programming language is used to design the software applications.

    The following versions are there in java
               1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    The java 1.5 is rename as Java5.

    Java is divided into three categories :
    1. JSE (Java Standard Edition)
    2. JEE (Java EnterpriseEdition)
    3. JME (Java MicroEdition)

      Java Categories
    Platform :

    Platform is a software or hardware in which programs can be executed.
    for computer system operating system(O.S) is acts as a platform.
    on the basis of platform we have two types of applications

    1. platform dependent application
    2. platform independent application

    • Platform dependent application

      An application that is compiled on one O.S if it is not able to run in different O.S then that type of application is called as 
      platform dependent application.
      The programming language that is used to develop this application is called as 
      platform dependent programming language.
      C, C++ are 
      platform dependent programming languages.

      for example if you developing a C program and compiling on windows a .obj file is generating. The .obj file contains machine understandable instructions. To execute that .obj file we must use same O.S.
      By mistake if you are using a different O.S the C program is not executing.
      This behavior is called as 
      platform dependent.
    • Platform independent application

      If the application compiled code is able to run in different O.S then that type of application is called as platform independent application.
      The programming language that is used to develop this application is called as platform independent programming language.
      Java is a 
      platform independent programming language.

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